The Crumpets

The Crumpets is a French animated comedy television series produced by 4.21 Productions and distributed by Mediatoon Distribution. The show was adapted from the Petit Dernier books and Petite Pousse book authored by Didier Lévy, illustrated by Frédéric Benaglia, and published by Editions Sarbacane.
The show debuted on 21 December 2013. The third season, which premiered on 7 December 2015, and the fourth season, which premiered on 24 December 2017, are titled Teen Crumpets for international markets and focuses on the show's teenage characters.


The Crumpets are a big family with 142 children whose parents are Ma and Pa, and their paternal grandmother Granny and dog T-Bone also live with them. The youngest child, L'il One, rivals all his siblings and his father in getting his mother's love. He has a friendship with Granny. The show's characters beyond the Crumpet household include the neighboring McBrisk family consisting of a mother and her daughter, and Pa's wealthy brother, his wife, and their adoptive son.
Seasons 3 and 4 concentrates on the lives of the teenagers from the three families, as well as Marylin and Larry.


In 2008, the Petit Dernier and Petite Pousse books were discovered by Éric Magrangeas, who became interested in adapting them to a cartoon. In 2009, 4.21 Productions signed a contract with Editions Sarbacane to produce the cartoon adaptation. Most of the animation was done in France, the remainder outsourced to China. The main themes in seasons one and two are family affairs, neighborhood quarrels, and social topics.
Mediatoon signed a worldwide distribution agreement with 4.21 Productions in 2013. The English dub for the first 52 episodes was recorded in studios in the United Kingdom and New York, United States. The English dub for Teen Crumpets was recorded by The Kitchen studio in Miami, Florida.


In April 2018, Teen Crumpets won the Cartoons on the Bay "Teens 12+" Pulcinella award in Italy.
In October 2018, Teen Crumpets won the TV Series Jury Prize in TOFUZI: International Festival of Animated Films in Georgia.