The Code (game show)

The Code is a British television game show that aired on BBC One from 18 April 2016 to 21 April 2017. It is hosted by Matt Allwright and Lesley-Anne Brewis. An individual contestant, or a team of two or three people, attempts to unlock a safe containing a cash prize by answering a series of questions that steadily increase in difficulty. Brewis provides commentary on the correct answers to all questions throughout the game.


The cash prize begins at £3,000 after it is won and increases by £500 per game in which it goes unclaimed. The prize is locked in the safe and secured with a random combination code of three unique digits. The game proceeds through three stages of increasingly difficult general knowledge questions, requiring the team to select one correct answer from a set of three. An incorrect response at any time ends the game and sends the team home empty-handed, while a correct response allows them to select one digit and find out whether it belongs in the code, and if so, where.
As of series 2, Brewis offers "Lesley points" to Allwright or the team for supplying additional facts or trivia about the questions in play. These points are used as an informal competition and have no bearing on the overall game.
