The Case Study of Vanitas

The Case Study of Vanitas is a shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki. Individual chapters are set to be serialized in Monthly Gangan Joker starting December 2015. Announced shortly after the end of Mochizuki's previous series, Pandora Hearts, the series' name was only revealed in Gangan Joker November 2015 issue. The Case Study of Vanitas is set in 19th-century Paris and contain vampire and steampunk thematics.
On December 3, 2015, Yen Press announced on its official Twitter account that it would be publishing new chapters of the series concurrently with Japan.
On April 2, 2020, Jun Mochizuki announced that the manga will be going on indefinite hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


During a blimp ride to Paris, Noé Archiviste meets Vanitas: a human claiming to be a doctor for vampires, curing them of the malnomen which cause vampires to behave predatorily against their will. The book with which he heals, the Book of Vanitas, is connected to the original Vanitas, the Vampire of the Blue Moon, hated by the Vampires of the Red Moon who form traditional Vampire society. Noé and Vanitas join forces to heal vampires, but there lurks a threat of some unknown force named Charlatan which may be responsible for corrupting the sick vampires.


See Also