The Brotherhood of Poland, New Hampshire

The Brotherhood of Poland, New Hampshire is an American drama television series created by David E. Kelley that aired on CBS from September 24 to October 22, 2003. The show offers the typical quirkiness and eccentric humor that have become synonymous with David E. Kelley's shows. The Brotherhood of Poland, New Hampshire has been described as "Northern Exposure with middle-aged angst and populated with the sort of oddball supporting characters so typical of the Kelley oeuvre." The show was canceled after five episodes due to poor ratings.


The show focuses on the families of three brothers in fictional Poland, New Hampshire, one the sheriff, one the mayor, and one out of work. Local heroes in their youth, they are now tackling grown-up problems such as the economy, their children's educations, and their families. As in most families, the brothers know they'll always have each other to help weather the storms of their changing lives. The show has been compared to Picket Fences, another show by creator David E. Kelley.


The pilot was filmed in Plymouth, New Hampshire in 2003, as were the exterior establishing shots and main title scenes. Filming of the series was then relocated to Pasadena, California. Brian Haley was originally cast in the role of Waylon Shaw, but was replaced with Chris Penn after filming the pilot episode. Haley's scenes were reshot with Penn, but the pilot was eventually scrapped and never aired.
