The Beloved (Faulkner novel)

The Beloved is a novel by Australian author Annah Faulkner. It won the 2013 Nita Kibble Literary Award.

Book summary

Roberta Lightfoot moves from post-war Melbourne and Sydney in the 1950s to post-colonial frontier town, Port Moresby. One day she discovers she has polio and the novel follows her long road to recovery and the subsequent discovery of her gifts as a painter.


"Readings" bookstore called the novel "Tender and witty, The Beloved is a moving debut novel which paints a vivid portrait of both the beauty and the burden of unconditional love."
Mary Anne Elliott, reviewing the novel in The Northern Star stated: "Faulkner's engaging and evocative narrative never falters; it is by turns wise, witty and completely delightful."
