The Arrival (1991 film)

The Arrival is a 1991 American science fiction horror film directed by David Schmoeller. The film is about an alien who after a crash landing, enters the body of the elderly and near death Max Page. Page's health returns to him but he soon finds that he has a thirst for the estrogen-laced blood of ovulating women.


The Arrival was shown at the 1991 Toronto International Film Festival as part of their Midnight Madness screenings.


From a contemporary review, Psychotronic Video magazine referred to the film as a "dull movie".
Cavett Binion gave the film a two star out of five rating, noting that "very little is done with the premise of the alien's estrogen requirements, other than to show Max sniffing around in some rather inappropriate places." In his book Horror and Science Fiction Film IV, Donald C Willis described the film as "mawkish and routine except for the gradual-rejuvenation idea."