The All-American Boy (film)

The All-American Boy is a 1973 American drama film written and directed by Charles Eastman. The film stars Jon Voight, E. J. Peaker, Nancie Phillips, Art Metrano, Kathy Mahoney, Carole Androsky and Jeanne Cooper. The film was released by Warner Bros. on October 24, 1973.


Vic Bealer, a young boxer from a small town in Texas who is known by his ring name "The Bomber," is seemingly on his way to big things, undefeated as an amateur and a possibility to make the U.S. Olympic boxing team.
Without explanation, Vic walks away from it all, including his family, his fiancée and his fighting career. Disaffected and disillusioned, he enters into relationships with small-town girls Janelle and Drenna, while trainer Arty wonders if the Bomber will ever return.
