The Abingdon Co.

The Abingdon Company is a watch and aviation products manufacturer founded in Oregon in 2007 by Chelsea Abingdon Welch. The company manufactures the only watch specifically designed for female aviators.


The Abingdon Co. began during a round table dinner conversation between a mix of women pilots and airplane mechanics. Pilot and company founder Chelsea "Abingdon" Mullin listened as her colleagues repeatedly expressed their desires for a fully functional aviator's watch that is "fashionable, versatile and, most importantly, made for women".
Abingdon first spent over 11 months designing two models—the Jackie and the Amelia—and then launched the company on November 3, 2007. Despite what most people think, the Amelia and Jackie models were not named after any famous female pilots. The name "Amelia" supposedly represents a hard-working and practical persona while the "Jackie" represents elegance.
The Abingdon Co. not only offers aviation watches, but travel and dive watches as well. Each model comes in colors and has "unique" features.