That Wonderful Urge

That Wonderful Urge is a 1948 20th Century Fox screwball comedy film directed by Robert B. Sinclair and starring Tyrone Power and Gene Tierney. It is a remake of Love Is News, which stars Power and Loretta Young.


Newspaper reporter Thomas Jefferson Tyler writes a series of unflattering articles under the title "The Life and Loves of Sara Farley", infuriating the wealthy grocery-store heiress target of his stories. He impersonates a small-town newspaper manager named "Tom Thomas" sympathetic to her plight and maneuvers to get her to talk about herself. He finds her down to earth and writes a much different article about her. However, Sara finds out about the deception and tells the press that the two of them got married and that she gave him a million dollars. When Duffy, Tom's editor, reads the story, he promptly fires Tom. Hijinks ensue as Tom tries to clear himself. Eventually, he sues Sara for libel.
