Thanet Parkway railway station

Thanet Parkway railway station is a proposed railway station that would serve the Kent International Airport site, Discovery Park Enterprise Zone and development sites around Westwood.


In 2013, plans were announced for a new railway station on the North Kent Line to serve Manston Airport's long-term expansion plans. However, Manston Airport closed on 15 May 2014 so these plans have been abandoned.
In 2012, a developer announced a planned 800-home development at Manston Green, which would include a Parkway Station on the Ashford - Canterbury - Ramsgate Line. The new station would also serve Kent International Airport via a bus link. A planning application for this was due to be submitted before the end of 2013.
However, neither of the above proposals are the same as the current proposal by Kent County Council for a Thanet Parkway Railway Station, which would be on the Ashford - Canterbury - Ramsgate Line but further west than the developer's proposal. This proposal by KCC underwent public consultation in 2015, largely has a funding package in place, and appears to be moving forward.

Proposed services

Proposed services from Manston include a high-speed service from, connecting with High Speed 1 at.