
A tetrapylon, plural tetrapyla, known in Latin as a quadrifrons is a type of ancient Roman monument of cubic shape, with a gate on each of the four sides, generally built on a crossroads.


The tetrapylon was a type of monument common in the Classical architecture. The defining quality of this form is the concept of four gates, with four pillars or other supporting structures placed at the corners marking the divisions between them. A tetrapylon could take the form of a single building or multiple, separate structures. They were built as landmarks at significant crossroads or geographical "focal points", as a sub-type of the Roman triumphal arch, or simply as decorative and aesthetically pleasing ornamental architecture. As applied to a triumphal arch, a tetrapylon was effectively a 'doubling' of the original form; with a total of four major arched openings, one on each side of the structure.


A tetrakionion, plural tetrakionia, is a type of tetrapylon in which the central crossing is not roofed, and the four corner-markers exist as four separate structures.

Notable tetrapyla