Test preparation

Test preparation or exam preparation is an educational course, tutoring service, educational material, or a learning tool designed to increase students' performance on standardized tests. Examples of these tests include entrance examinations used for admissions to institutions of higher education, such as college, business school, law school, medical school, BMAT, UKCAT and GAMSAT and graduate school and qualifying examinations for admission to gifted education programs.

Preparation options

There are many resources and services on which students may draw as they prepare for standardized tests, including:
Most companies and educators that offer test preparation services also offer traditional and technology-based learning tools, such as books and other printed matter, software, websites, hand-held devices, or content for such devices. So do most test makers, publishers of self-help, instructional and educational materials, and makers of hardware and software.

Test makers

Some test-preparation programs have been proven to help students improve test scores, but others may have little effect.
Test preparation for the SAT is a highly lucrative field.
A lot of people have criticism towards exams and testing in the primary and high school environment, the number one type of testing in Australia that receives criticism is NAPLAN. Parents and teachers have put forward numerous cases stating the stress it is having on children and how pointless it is.