Terra Terra

Terra Terra – The Aquarius Era is a music drama by Nicholas Lens. It is the second part of the operatic trilogy The Accacha Chronicles, following the successful first part Flamma Flamma. In 12 sections, the score combines orchestra, chorus and six operatic voices that contrast with the eerie tonalities of two female nasal-natural singers.

Cover, Creations and Adaptations

Second part of the operatic trilogy by Nicholas Lens The Accacha Chronicles

Track listing

  1. Mors O Suavissima Rerum
  2. Molitur Memoria
  3. Milliens Millenae
  4. Moritur Terra
  5. Terra Aquarius
  6. Eia! Eia! Fetus in Vulva
  7. Mater
  8. Pater
  9. Pupulus
  10. Infans Dolore
  11. Pupulam O Puram
  12. Anima Superba
  13. Deus Meus