Teodor Odhner

Nils Johan Teodor Odhner was a Swedish zoologist. Odhner was born in Lund, Sweden. He was the son of the historian Clas Theodor Odhner and the father of the agronomist Clas-Erik Odhner.
Odhner became an associate professor of zoology at Uppsala University in 1905, a professor of zoology at the University of Oslo in 1914, a professor and curator of the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm in the invertebrate department in 1918, and also director of the Stockholm Workers' Institute in 1922.
Odhner participated in Gustaf Kolthoff's zoological expeditions to Svalbard and eastern Greenland in 1900, and in Leonard Jägerskiöld expedition to the White Nile in 1901. He also conducted zoological studies at the stations in Trieste and Naples. He made several contributions to the literature on the anatomy and classification of the flukes, and in 1925 he was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, where he served as vice secretary from 1923 to 1928.