The Tenniöjoki is a river in Russia and Finland. It begins in Murmansk Oblast in Russia from where it flows into Finnish territory in Lapland region. It is a tributary of Kemijoki and one of its tributaries is Kuolajoki which also begins on the Russian side of the border and ends in Finland.
The river is long and the area of its watershed is. It starts in a swampy area by the slopes of the Minkeliminturi mountain.Literature
- Suuri tietosanakirja. WSOY, 2001..
- Tietojätti. Gummerus, 1985..
- Keski- ja Ylä-Kemijoen kalatalousselvityksiä vuosina 1989–2000, s. 34–35. Lapin ympäristökeskus, 2006..