Tell-Tale Productions
Tell-Tale Productions was an animation and live-action studio, established by Will Brenton and Iain Lauchlan in 1994. The company first produced live shows, and later went on to produce TV shows.
In 2004, Entertainment Rights acquired the studio; ER was later absorbed into Classic Media, which in turn was acquired by DreamWorks Animation in 2012. As of 2016, the back catalogs library of Tell-Tale Productions are owned by NBCUniversal through Universal Pictures.
Will Brenton and Iain Lauchlan went on to found Wish Films in 2006, creating shows like Jim Jam and Sunny and an TV adaptation of Wibbly Pig.Filmography
1994: Boredom Busters
1994 - 1998, 2004: Fun Song Factory
1999: Wow! That's What I Call Nursery Rhymes/Christmas!
1999 - 2002: Tweenies
2002: WARP
2003: Jim Jam
2003 - 2006: Boo!
2003: Tweenies - Night-Time Magic
2004: Tweenies - Jungle Adventure
2005: BB3B
2005: Tweenies - The MovieLive Shows