
Telerik AD is a Bulgarian company offering software tools for web, mobile, desktop application development, tools and subscription services for cross-platform application development. Founded in 2002 as a company focused on.NET development tools, Telerik now also sells a platform for web, hybrid and native app development.
On October 22, 2014 Progress Software announced its acquisition of Telerik. The acquisition was finalized on December 1, 2014.


Telerik was founded in 2002 by four graduates of American University in Bulgaria and Technical University of Sofia. Initially focused on providing outsourced software development for foreign and Bulgarian companies, the company shifted its direction to the creation of application development tools. Its first product, RAD editor, was a web page editor designed to support the then recently launched Microsoft technology, ASP.NET. The company then expanded its offerings to include user interface navigation controls, and the Telerik Sitefinity content management system a few years later.
Based upon developer interaction, Telerik developed tools targeted to support other.NET technologies, such as ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC, WPF, Silverlight and Windows/Windows Phone. Telerik introduced support for HTML5 and JavaScript in 2011 with its product, coinciding with expected industry growth in mobile adoption.


Company growth came by way of hiring in Bulgaria, as well as expansion and acquisition abroad:
As of 2013, Telerik has 800 employees in 11 offices, led by co-CEOs Vasil Terziev and Svetozar Georgiev, and Chief Product Officer Aaron Mahimainathan.
On October 22, 2014 Progress Software announced its acquisition of Telerik.

Products and technologies

Telerik is known for its.NET user interface controls, but through acquisition and invention, expanded to support additional areas of the software development lifecycle:

Controls Suite