Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival

The Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival is held once every year in Tel-Aviv, in June.


The festival was founded in 1986 at the initiative of students of TAU Department of Film and Television, Tel-Aviv. The festival is considered the most important main stage show young cinema in and largest festival of its kind in the world.
The festival presents hundreds of student films from around the world in two main competitions: an Israeli competition and an international competition. In addition to competitions, other events during the festival include film screenings and projects, often in collaboration with other bodies such as the Tel-Aviv Cinematheque, or Israel's Channel 8.
Festival organizers invited every year, in addition to its competitors, directors and filmmakers, both from industry and independent film productions and students' productions. Thus, among others, the festival have hosted Emir Kusturica, Claude Lanzmann, Richard Gere and Roger Corman. Festival guests hold meetings, workshops and lectures with the audience.

Festival Jury 2010

from UK,
Kornél Mundruczó from Hungary,
Nikolaj Nikitin from Germany,
Arben Zharku from Kosovo,
Tereza Barta from Canada,
Ernesto Contreras from Mexico,
Laurentiu Damian from Romania,
Kimberly Yutani from United States,
Uri Klein from Israel,