
Teech is an American sitcom television series that briefly aired on CBS from September 18 to October 16, 1991 as part of its 1991 Fall lineup. The series was co-produced by Nikndaph Productions in association with Columbia Pictures Television for CBS.


Teech stars Phill Lewis as "Teech" Gibson, an African American music instructor at Winthrop Academy, a prestigious, predominantly-white prep school. Teech loved music and his students and had tremendous appeal even to troubled, disruptive students. Teech also had appeal to Cassie Lee, the sexy assistant headmaster who had hired him. Headmaster Alfred Litton wanted to dismiss Teech's troubled students from the school. He apparently would like to have done the same to Teech except he realized that so doing would likely open him to charges of racism and discrimination.
Scheduled opposite NBC's Top 20 hit Unsolved Mysteries, Teech drew low ratings and was pulled from the lineup after only four episodes had aired.


The series was created by David Frankel and Norman Steinberg. Teech's theme song "Teach Me" was performed by B.B. King.
