Tati Jhariya

Tati Jhariya is a panchayat village in Tati Jhariya CD block in Hazaribagh Sadar subdivision of Hazaribagh district in the Indian state of Jharkhand.


Tati Jhariya is located at.
Census villages under Tati Jhariya panchayat are: Jharia, Holang, Murumatu, Sadaro, Khapia, Murko, Bisai and Tati.
Siwani River, a tributary of Konar River, flows past Tati Jhariya.

Police station

Tati Jhariya police station serves the Tati Jhariya CD block.

CD block HQ

The headquarters of Tati Jhariya CD block are located at Tati Jhariya.


As per 2011 Census of India, Tati had a rural population of 286. There were 146 males and 140 females. Scheduled Tribes numbered 274. Jharia had a rural population of 2,001. There were 1,066 males and 935 females. Scheduled Castes numbered 285 and Scheduled Tribes numbered 43.


census, the total number of literates in Jharia was 1,218 out of which 727 were males and 491 were females. The total number of literates in Tati was 113 out of which 64 were males and 49 were females.


Tati Jhariya is a must stop-over for travellers along Hazaribagh-Hazaribagh Road station for a sweet meat delicacy, Gulab jamun.


Tati Jhariya is from Hazaribagh and from Bagodar.