Tasco, Boyacá

Tasco is a town and municipality in the Valderrama Province, part of the Colombian department of Boyacá. Tasco is situated on the Altiplano Cundiboyacense at altitudes ranging from to. The Chicamocha River flows through the municipality which borders Socha in the north, Corrales and Gámeza in the south, Socotá in the east and Betéitiva and Paz de Río in the west. The urban centre is located at an altitude of at from the department capital Tunja.


Tasco in the Chibcha language of the Muisca means "Enclosure or mansion of the sovereign".


The area of Tasco was inhabited by the Boche and Pirgua tribes, before the Spanish conquest of the Muisca. Modern Tasco was founded on October 15, 1577. Mummies have been encountered in Tasco.


Main economical activities of Tasco are agriculture and livestock farming. Among the agricultural products are potatoes, Ullucus tuberosus, turnips, maize, beans, barley, peas and chick peas. Fruits cultivated in Tasco are peaches, pears, prunes, apples and the Colombian fruit curuba.


Fossil remains of the Rosidae Berhamniphyllum and Archaeopaliurus boyacensis have been found in the Maastrichtian Guaduas Formation in Tasco and described in 2010.
