Tar River (Kyrgyzstan)

The Tar River is a river in Kara-Kulja District of Osh Province of Kyrgyzstan. It rises on the south-west slopes of Fergana Range and north slopes of Alay Mountains. The portion of the Tar River from its source to confluence with Eshegart River is known as Kegart, the portion up to mouth of Terek River is called Alaykuu River, downstream its name is Oy-Tal River, and from its confluence with Kara-Bel River it is known as Tar River. By confluence with Kara-Kulja River Tar River forms Kara Darya River.
Tar River has a length of with a basin area of.It is fed by majorly snow and ice meltwater and springs. Average annual discharge is 45.7 m³/s. The maximum flow is 214 m³/s in June-July and the minimum - 8.9 m³/s in January-February. The river is largely used for irrigation.