Tanglin Single Member Constituency

Tanglin Single Member Constituency is a defunct Single Member Constituency in the city area in Singapore that existed since 1951 general elections by carving a portion from the then defunct until prior to 1997 general elections where it was absorbed into the then defunct Kreta Ayer–Tanglin GRC and subsequently Tanjong Pagar GRC after 2001 general elections where the division was renamed to Henderson-Dawson in 2015.

Members of Parliament

Elections in 1990s

Elections in 1980s

Elections in 1970s

Elections in 1960s

Note: Thio Chan Bee, the then incumbent of this ward had contested in the previous general election under Singapore People's Alliance's banner, which had subsequently joined with Singapore Alliance in this GE whereby another party, United Malays National Organisation is one of the alliance member who had stood against him in 1959 GE, Tanglin SMC as well.

Elections in 1950s

Note: UMNO, MCA and MIC together with Singapore People's Alliance was informally formed as an alliance in 1961, where it still within this term of election which was the reason for the elections department of Singapore to view Ahmad as a candidate for Singapore Alliance.