Tangible symbol systems

Tangible symbols are a type of augmentative and alternative communication that uses objects or pictures that share a perceptual relationship with the items they represent as symbols. A tangible symbol's relation to the item it represents is perceptually obvious and concrete - the visual or tactile properties of the symbol resemble the intended item. Tangible Symbols can easily be manipulated and are most strongly associated with the sense of touch. These symbols can be used by individuals who are not able to communicate using speech or other abstract symbol systems, such as sign language. However, for those who have the ability to communicate using speech, learning to use tangible symbols does not hinder further developing acquisition of natural speech and/or language development, and may even facilitate it.


The term tangible symbols was first developed by Charity Rowland and Philip Schweigert, and refers to two-dimensional pictures or three-dimensional objects used as symbols to convey meaning. The items are termed "tangible" because they are concrete items that can be manipulated by the user and communication partner. Symbols can be used individually or combined with other symbols in order to create new messages. Tangible symbols are used as a means of communication for individuals who are unable to understand or communicate using abstract systems, such as speech or sign language.
Properties of tangible symbols include permanency, capacity to be manipulated by both the user and the communication partner, and an obvious relationship between the symbol and the referent. They can represent items, people, activities and/or events, and look or feel similar to what they refer to. For example, a cup can be used as three-dimensional tangible symbol to represent the action: "drink". A photograph of a cup can be used as a two-dimensional tangible symbol to also represent the action : "drink". Two- and three-dimensional symbols are used to fit the cognitive and sensory abilities of the individual, as well as the individual's unique experiences.
Rowland and Schweigert use the term tangible symbols to refer to conceptually tangible items like two-dimensional pictures or three-dimensional objects. However, other authors, such as Beukelman and Mirenda, use the term to exclusively describe three-dimensional physical objects that display concrete properties such as shape or texture.
According to Rowland and Schweigert, "for some individuals, the use of tangible symbols may be used to bridge the gap between gestural communication and the use of formal language systems. For others, tangible symbols may represent an ultimate level of communicative competence."
Level of CommunicationMeans of Communication
PresymbolicBody and limb movements, Gestures, Vocalizations
Concrete SymbolicSymbolic gestures and vocalizations, Tangible Symbols: Objects & Pictures
Abstract SymbolicSpeech, Sign Language, Printed Language, Braille, Abstract shapes, Abstract graphics


Historically, objects and pictures have frequently been used as communication devices. Many authors have also used picture symbols, such as line drawings and photographs to develop language in individuals with little or no speech and/or cognitive disabilities. Tangible symbols emerged from Van Dijk’s work in the 1960s using objects as symbols to develop language in deaf-blind children. In turn, Van Dijk’s work was based on the concept "symbol formation" developed by Werner and Kaplan, who theorized that "symbol formation" referred to the process of developing language by creating symbols in our minds.

Types of tangible symbols

Rowland and Schweigert propose that tangible symbols can be divided into hierarchical categories, ranging from most concrete to most abstract symbols:
The type of tangible symbol used is chosen based on the cognitive and sensory abilities of the learner/user. The meaning behind each symbol is not universal, but by using a symbol the individual is familiar with, a meaningful symbol is created. Tangible symbols should be constructed by meaningful and motivating symbols that will provide the individual with the most opportunities to practice using the new system.

Users of tangible symbols

Individuals who can benefit from using tangible symbols include those who may lack the skills to communicate using verbal speech or other various communication systems such as sign language. Users of tangible symbols may include individuals with cognitive disabilities, sensory and/or visual impairments, developmental disabilities, and orthopedic impairments. Rowland and Schweigert claim that tangible symbols do not require the use of high demands on the learner’s cognitive abilities, memory, visual perception, and motor abilities because they are:
Furthermore, simple behavioral responses can be used with tangible items. For example, learners that are unable to speak can simply point, touch, pick up, or look at the object to answer a question or make a request. Finally, three-dimensional objects can be distinguished from one another using touch, and therefore they are suitable for people with visual impairments or blindness.
A study by Rowland and Schweigert found individuals who were already able to communicate using gestures or vocalizations more readily learned to use tangible symbols than those who did not have intentional pre-symbolic communication skills.

Application of tangible symbols

Presentation format depends on the users visual scanning and motoric ability. The tangible symbols can placed in front of the user within reach, placed on a board for visual scanning, or placed in a book for access.
Typically, tangible symbols are custom made and tailored to the individual child. If pre-made sets are used, it is assumed that the symbols are familiar and motivating for the user. It is important to utilize frequently occurring and highly motivating symbols in order to optimize opportunities for use.
Tangible symbol system offers a manual and DVD as well as an online course. For more information on tangible symbol system instructional strategies, please reference: http://designtolearn.com/products/tangible_symbol_systems

Universal tangible symbol system

In 2009, Ellen Trief, Susan M. Bruce, Paul W. Cascella, and Sarah Ivy created a Universal Tangible Symbol System. They began by developing a survey to determine which tangible symbols were already in use, new activities and concepts for which tangible systems are needed, and participant preferences for tangible symbols from a pilot study. Participants included teachers and speech-language pathologists from four New York City schools. Following the survey, an advisory board consisting of directors of the New York City schools, speech-language pathologists, the designer and manufacturer of the symbols, a representative from the Perkins School for the Blind, college professors, and a graduate research assistant reviewed and discussed the results. This resulted in the establishment of the 55 universal tangible symbols seen in the chart below. However, this universal tangible symbol system should not replace a system already established for an individual.
ActivityChosen symbol
DismissalStrap with a buckle
BathroomWhite tile with a black edge
GymTennis Ball
SpeechMouth or lips
LiteracySmall, thick book
Circle timeWooden circle
OutsideThree stones
Occupational therapyThree beads
Physical therapySquishy ball
SnackSmall, empty snack bag
ComputerFloppy disc
SensorySmall tube of lotion
Rest timeSmall square of a blanket
Nurse's officeLarge Band-Aid
CookingMeasuring spoons
Orientation and mobilityTip of a long cane
ArrivalPlastic hands
MathUnifix cube
VisionSmall eyeglasses
Center timeClothes pin
NoRaised "X"
CommunityPiece of a tactile map
StanderVinyl square
OrthodicsA half-cup measuring cup with a Velcro strip
CalendarPiece of a calendar from American Printing House for the Blind
WalkShoe or sneaker
Light boxPlastic piece from a light-box kit
MorePiece of red velvet
FoodSmall plate
FinishedSpool on a cord
JuiceJuice box
BubblesBubble wand
MilkMilk box
YesRaised "O"
"Itsy Bitsy Spider"Plastic spider
"Twinkle, Twinkle"Raised, shiny star
"Wheels on the Bus"School bus
"Alphabet Song"Raised letters "A," "B," and "C"
BedtimePiece of a comforter
ParkMetal chain
Church or templeSmooth molding in the shape of a roof
Bath timeSmall bar of soap
Set the tablePiece of a placemat
Do the dishesSmall dish
Car rideCar keys or house keys