
Tamaran is a fictional planet in DC Comics, inhabited by Tamaraneans, an extraterrestrial race. The first Tamaranean introduced was Princess Koriand'r, better known as Starfire. Other named Tamaraneans are Komand'r, Starfire's sister, her younger brother Ryand'r and her parents, Myand'r and Luand'r. The planet was destroyed in a war, along with Starfire's parents and many of its people. However, enough evacuated that they were able to settle on a new planet they named New Tamaran, though that planet was also destroyed. The most recent Tamaranean home was the planet Karna.
Before its destruction, Tamaran had not one ruling family, but rather many ruling families. When the planet was led to war by the Citadel race, Starfire's parents became the planet's sole ruling family. However, Blackfire later seized control from her parents. Blackfire has since been the ruler of the Tamaranean people, even after the repeated destruction of their home world.

Fictional history

Tamaraneans are gold-skinned humanoid people with green eyes and bushy hair who descended from a feline-like race. Tamaraneans traditionally worship the goddess X'Hal. Tamaraneans have the power to convert ultraviolet radiation into energy for flight with the females producing a distinctive contrail that seems to flow from their hair. They are ruled by their emotions and were renowned as excellent warriors. Both Starfire and Blackfire gained the ability to fire "starbolts", beams of energy, as a result of experiments performed by the Psions.
The Tamaraneans used scientific skills to make Tamaran a tropical paradise where man and nature stood side by side. The Tamaraneans fought a war with the Citadel for a century until Komand'r revealed secrets which resulted in major losses of Tamaranean life. After this, King Myand'r agreed to have his younger daughter, Princess Koriand'r given up for slavery to the Citadel. The Citadel was defeated by the Omega Men and Tamaran was plunged into civil war. This was ultimately resolved with Komand'r being given command of the planet.

DC 2011 Relaunch

In the Relaunch, it is unknown how much of the universe has changed, but there have been significant changes in the history and culture of the Tamaranean people. Komand'r is said to have sold her sister for the safety of Tamaran from the Citadel. A major change is that Tamaraneans shown are said to only view other races as sensory experiences, to the point they forget what they look like if not around the person. Though it's shown that once identified by name, Starfire can remember them. This however is possibly false as Starfire later expresses trying to avoid getting her heart broken and was scared to become close with another human. It's also said they do not believe emotions are a necessary part of the sexual experience, recreational or reproduction wise.
Tamaran suddenly came under attack by the Blight, a parasitic alien race, causing the Tamaranean starship Starfire to seek out its commander, the Princess Koriand'r, also known as Starfire. Koriand'r is hesitant to save the planet due to the people and her sister allowing her to be enslaved. It's revealed that Komand'r is working alongside the blight, but to what end is unknown.
The Tamaranean People have visited the planet earth on multiple occasions as explained by Crux, as he lost his parents to a War Cruiser crashing into their car. Starfire's earth home is shown to be a huge crashed ship on a tropical island near the United States.
Possibly an alternate version of Tamaran is shown in Green Lantern New Guardians. The people still are orange skinned, and have the same abilities.They also have a number of small horns on their faces and shoulders. They present themselves as overtly friendly, believing that Arkillo and Saint Walker as heralds of The Archangel Invictus.

Appearances in other media