Tết Đoan Ngọ

Tết Đoan Ngọ is the Vietnamese version of Chinese Duanwu festival. Đoan Ngọ is the moment that the sun is the most near the earth and this day often is "The middle day of summer". In Vietnam, this day is also the death anniversary of National Mother Âu Cơ.
Compare to Cantonese Chinese term "dyun eng" ngo/eng/wu all refer to the ancient Chinese calendar term: the seventh of the twelve Earthly Branches, which was a component for determining time based on a series of 60 years Ngo/eng/wu refers to the sun at noon.


, a sticky rice wine, is traditionally eaten on this holiday. Bánh tro, a kind of bánh lá, is used during this holiday with hard-boiled eggs. Bánh tro is considered as "cool", symbolized yin because it includes vegetable ash water as an ingredient. Bánh tro is a perfect match with extreme hot day like May 5 in the lunar year.

Modern festival

On the occasion of Tết Đoan Ngọ, there is Festival of Delicious Fruit celebrated in Chợ Lách, Bến Tre Province with activities: fruit competition, fruit arrangement competition and fruit crop competition.
At this time, there is also Festival of Southern Fruit celebrated in Suối Tiên amusement park, Ho Chi Minh city.