Tĩnh Hải quân

Tĩnh Hải quân or the Jinghai Military Command was a name of Vietnam from 866 to 967. It began as a Tang fanzhen in Annam during the Third Chinese domination of Vietnam in 866. The area of the commandery is sometimes referred to as "Circuit" in Jinghai the term Jinghai-jun was used.
During the period until 939, Vietnam was governed by jiedushi, including finally the three generations of the Khúc family who asserted autonomy as China entered a period of upheaval. With the proclamation of sovereignty power by Ngo Quyen, this name was retained under the Ngo Dynasty and the Anarchy of the 12 Warlords. In 968, Dinh Bo Linh vanquished the warlords and renamed the country as "Đại Cồ Việt".

List of rulers

[Jiedushi] (Tiết Độ Sứ)