Sylejman Selimi

Sylejman Selimi is the former commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army, military organisation, and of the Security Force of the Republic of Kosovo. He left this position in 2011 and became the ambassador to Albania.

Personal life

Selimi was born on September 25, 1970 in Açarevë village Drenica. He finished primary education in his home town, attended his high school in Kline and finished his studies at the Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy in Kosovska Mitrovica.


Prior to the Kosovo Security force, Selimi was commander of its predecessor, the Kosovo Protection Corps. On 19 December 2008, Selimi was appointed commander of the Kosovo Security force by Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi.
During Insurgency in Kosovo and Kosovo War, he was commander of Kosovo Liberation Army, ethnic-Albanian paramilitary organisation that sought the separation of Kosovo from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the 1990s and the eventual creation of a Greater Albania.
Selimi insisted: