Super Milk Chan

Super Milk Chan is a Japanese anime television series directed by Hideyuki Tanaka and produced by Genco, Suplex, framegraphics and Geneon Entertainment for the 24-hour channel Animax. The show pre-began as 14 eight-minute segment episodes which aired on Fuji Television's Flyer TV block from June 18, 1998 to September 24, 1998 from 24:45 to 24:55, with the animation being produced by Tokyo Kids. The full-length show, entitled OH! Super Milk Chan, ran for 12 twenty-four-minute episodes which aired on WOWOW's Space Shower TV block from January 27, 2000 to April 13, 2000 at 19:00 and then 18:00.
The North American DVD release by A.D. Vision features two different English-dubbed versions: a straight translation of the Japanese version and an Americanized version with western pop culture references and short live-action skits featuring ADV voice cast members.


The show centers on the activities of Milk, a 5-year-old superhero who may or may not actually have any powers and usually can do very little besides making popular culture references. Its American slogan, as a result, became "Wholesome? Probably not. Good for you? Definitely." She lives in a house on a suspended platform with her malfunctioning robotic maid Tetsuko and her drunken pet slug Hanage. The show follows a fairly linear formula. In each episode, the President calls with a new mission; whether Milk actually takes the mission is not guaranteed. Regardless of whether or not she takes the mission, she always takes credit and celebrates her success by going out for "sushi." Likewise, there are a number of other constants that follow through the series, often under contrived circumstances.
All of those episodes are rated TV-PG. It was later made into 12 full-length episodes, which are rated TV-14 in the United States. An alternate dub with American pop-culture references, harsher language and newly-shot live-action sequences with the ADV Films cast aired on Anime Network and was rated TV-MA.

Major characters

;Milk / Milk-chan
;Doctor Eyepatch
;The Ant Family

Other characters

;Haruo: A robot that Tetsuko has a crush on. He only appears in the 1998 series.
;The Counterfeiter: A counterfeiter who likes Belgian waffles. He makes counterfeit bills to buy a lot of them. In the Japanese version, the real currency has pictures of "Kin" while the counterfeit bills have pictures of "Gin" - a reference to the oldest-living twins. In the Americanized version, the bills are differentiated by pictures of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.
;The Colonel: Presumably from the Navy, he and his assistant try in vain to get in contact with The President in trying to stop the Punishment Missile, but to no avail; The President is on the phone with Milk and quickly forgot about said missile. Quickly becoming a nervous wreck, The Colonel tries to get help from Dr. Eyepatch, only for the doctor to be absolutely unhelpful.
;Kyuu the Myna Bird: A bird that Tetsuko started keeping, but died the next week. It looks like a toucan. His favorite thing is "Chaushu" and his favorite kind of girl is bouncy. One episode later, he is revealed to have died right away, like most myna birds do.
;Leonardo the Japanese Bear: A violent bear from an Osaka bear farm. He defeats Robo Willy, but gets knocked out by Tetsuko's gas attack.
;Pastel Mr. Shin: A mentally disabled man dressed as a kindergarten student. He tries to get kids to play with him, but they can't because their parents said they couldn't. He gets shocked and throws a tantrum whenever they say he's not a kid. His name is a parody of Crayon Shin-chan.
;Keizao Butae/Colonel Flanders: The factory manager of the Gentucky Pork Legs Factory, who resembles Colonel Sanders. While hitting on an employee, he accidentally presses the laser control button, shutting down the power of the Pork Gun which allows Tonkichi & Tononko to escape. Keizao then hires a hitman to take them out.
;Barazou: A live-action cross-dressing man who appears frequently on the news. In the Americanized version, he is cut out and replaced by someone else.
;Akiko Maitake: Akiko is heard but never seen. She is seemingly a young Japanese girl who does video art. Her "art" is never much more than a pretentious monologue read by her as she takes a video of normal things happening in Japan. The videos are live action and cut randomly into the show in various episodes.
;Tonkichi & Tonko / Palmer & Penny: Two pigs that are in love with each other. After escaping the Gentucky Pork Legs Factory, they defect to a country where people don't eat pork. As soon as they arrive, they are turned into pork legs by a hired hitman. Tonkichi may be a reference to the pig with the same name from the anime Hamtaro

King's Idea Laboratory Mechas

OH! Super Milk Chan


Super Milk Chan

OH! Super Milk Chan

Milk's IT Revolution

A collection of flash shorts from the website. This episode was only aired on Anime Network and was released on DVD in Japan. This collection includes shorts such as:
The multi-episode story arcs added to the Americanized English dub by ADV, involving the crew of said dub company in bizarre situations.

100% Whole

Marcy Bannor introduces the cast and crew of the Milk Chan dub; Tommy Drake dresses up in drag for a replaced scene.

Milk Shake

After a plasma TV is stolen from the break room, the ADV Films building has an automated lockdown drill. However, a blackout leaves everyone locked in separate rooms.

Cryin' Over Spilled Milk

Chris Borque loses the sound effects for episode 8, leading the cast to perform them themselves. Meanwhile, Marcy is given Ecstasy instead of Aspirin.

Milk & Kookies

The ADV cast and crew go to an anime convention, where Ben Pronsky is stalked by a fan.

TV segments

These are the shows that Milk Chan and friends watch: