Supah Ninjas

Supah Ninjas is an American action-comedy superhero series, created by Leo Chu and Eric Garcia. The series aired on Nickelodeon from January 17, 2011 to April 27, 2013. It ran for 2 seasons. The first season was filmed in Los Angeles and the second season was filmed at 31st Street Studios in Pittsburgh.
On March 15, 2012, it was the announced that the series was renewed for a second season that premiered on February 9, 2013.
On May 7, 2013, Nickelodeon cancelled the series after two seasons.


The series revolves around Mike Fukanaga and his friends, Owen and Amanda. After the death of his grandfather, Mike is given a mysterious letter which leads him to discover that he comes from a long line of vigilante ninjas. With Owen, and later Amanda, they are ushered into the world of crime-fighting, forming the team "Supah Ninjas." They are trained with a hologram of Mike's grandfather, whom Owen refers to as "Hologramps" in Empire City.


Main cast

Any villain who made a second appearance, escaped/were not arrested, or vowed revenge include:
Any villain that was arrested, defeated, or made one appearance/does not make a return:

Season 1 (2011–12)

Season 2 (2013)

Awards and nominations