Relationships among probability distributions

In probability theory and statistics, there are several relationships among probability distributions. These relations can be categorized in the following groups:

Multiple of a random variable

Multiplying the variable by any positive real constant yields a scaling of the original distribution.
Some are self-replicating, meaning that the scaling yields the same family of distributions, albeit with a different parameter:
normal distribution, gamma distribution, Cauchy distribution, exponential distribution, Erlang distribution, Weibull distribution, logistic distribution, error distribution, power-law distribution, Rayleigh distribution.
The affine transform ax + b yields a relocation and scaling of the original distribution. The following are self-replicating:
Normal distribution, Cauchy distribution, Logistic distribution, Error distribution, Power distribution, Rayleigh distribution.
The reciprocal 1/X of a random variable X, is a member of the same family of distribution as X, in the following cases:
Cauchy distribution, F distribution, log logistic distribution.
Some distributions are invariant under a specific transformation.

Sum of variables

The distribution of the sum of independent random variables is the convolution of their distributions. Suppose is the sum of independent random variables each with probability mass functions. Then
If it has a distribution from the same family of distributions as the original variables, that family of distributions is said to be closed under convolution.
Examples of such univariate distributions are: normal distributions, Poisson distributions, binomial distributions, negative binomial distributions, gamma distributions, chi-squared distributions, Cauchy distributions, hyperexponential distributions.
Other distributions are not closed under convolution, but their sum has a known distribution:
The product of independent random variables X and Y may belong to the same family of distribution as X and Y: Bernoulli distribution and log-normal distribution.
For some distributions, the minimum value of several independent random variables is a member of the same family, with different parameters:
Bernoulli distribution, Geometric distribution, Exponential distribution, Extreme value distribution, Pareto distribution, Rayleigh distribution, Weibull distribution.
Similarly, distributions for which the maximum value of several independent random variables is a member of the same family of distribution include:
Bernoulli distribution, Power law distribution.


Approximate or limit relationship means
Combination of iid random variables:
Special case of distribution parametrization:
Consequences of the CLT:
When one or more parameter of a distribution are random variables, the compound distribution is the marginal distribution of the variable.
Some distributions have been specially named as compounds:
beta-binomial distribution, beta-Pascal distribution, gamma-normal distribution.