Sulphide Creek Falls

Sulphide Creek Falls is a tall, moderately large volume waterfall within North Cascades National Park in Washington state. The falls drop from Sulphide Lake on the southeast side of Mount Shuksan down a narrow flume-like canyon to a broad basin below. Because of the narrow, twisting shape of the canyon the waterfall is exceptionally difficult to see from ground-level perspectives. The total vertical drop of the waterfall is in the range of to feet, but it has not yet been accurately measured. Foot access to the bottom of the waterfall involves of off-trail travel in extremely brushy terrain and several potentially dangerous fords of a large stream.

Other waterfalls

Another waterfall, which is on the opposite side of the valley and joins Sulphide Creek Falls at its base, should not be confused with Sulphide Creek Falls. This falls is much more visible, but only about one-half as high as Sulphide Creek Falls. This falls is sometimes referred to as Sulphide Valley Falls.
Above Sulphide Lake is a further of cascades, informally referred to as Sulphide Basin Falls, flowing from the Sulphide and Crystal Glaciers, which provide most of the water that flows over Sulphide Creek Falls. This drop is geographically separate from Sulphide Creek Falls, and should not be confused with it, despite their close proximity and location on the same feeder stream.


There is no trail to Sulphide Creek Falls. The closest trail is the Baker River Trail, which parallels the Baker River. The trail crosses Sulphide Creek at the confluence. From there, one must proceed upstream along the wide, rocky streambed, which continues to within about of the base of the falls. Thick avalanche brush prevents further access.