Sullivan South High School (Tennessee)

Sullivan South High School is a public high school located in Kingsport, Tennessee in Sullivan County. The school has a student body of approximately 1,000 students.
The school had a 98% graduation rate in 2019, higher than the state graduation rate of 89%. In 2017, the average ACT scores of students is a 20.9. 82.6% of students attended either a two-year or four-year university. At South there is 90% participation in College Admission Testing, well above the 52% state median. It is also accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and is a member of the TSSAA.


Sullivan South implements a block schedule with four 90-minute periods and one 45 minute year long class a day. Students register for new classes each semester, allowing for 9 credits to be taken each academic year.
Sullivan South offers "Accelerated," AP, and Technical/Vocational courses in mathematics, the sciences, humanities, and technical fields. Many of the academic classes are also offered with Honors variations as well at all four grade levels. Sullivan South also participates in the Jumpstart program with Northeast State Community College through which many students earn college credit before even graduating.
Drama, visual arts, and music courses are also offered, and are attended by many of the students. There are multiple of each of these classes offered at different levels ranging from beginner to experienced. Students can take Acting or Technical Theatre, Chorus, Visual Art, and Marching and/or Concert Band. These programs often see students being recognized for their achievements in honor choirs, honor bands, and art competitions.
Sullivan South has an Air Force JROTC Program, run by Master Sergeant Don Shawver.
Sullivan South also offers a variety of CTE classes including Digital Art, Agriculture Education, Culinary Arts, Information Technology, Health Science, Cosmetology, Welding, and Engineering.
The school has a variety of sports that students can participate in including football, baseball, soccer, softball, swimming, basketball, volleyball, cheer, and dance. The school also has quite a few after school clubs in which students can become involved such as the Beta Club or the Key Club.

Notable alumni