Sullivan High School

Sullivan High School is a public high school located in Sullivan, Indiana. SHS is one of three high schools in Sullivan County. Sullivan High School is also the only secondary institution under the administration of the Southwest School Corporation.


The school's racial makeup is 72% Caucasian, 28% Hispanic, and 0% Multiracial. 45% of students receive free lunch, and 5% are on reduced-price lunch.


The school competes in Academic Super Bowl, Knowledge Masters Open, Quiz Bowl, Science Olympiad, and Spell Bowl competitions. Many of the teams compete in Western Indiana Conference competitions.

Fine arts

Sullivan High School's fine arts program is basic. Classes are offered in 2-D and a class in 3-D art is available. The music program is split into two performing categories: instrumental band, and vocal, which includes chorus and Golden Arrow Singers, and the school's advanced chorus.


Sullivan High School offers Baseball, Softball, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Cheerleading, Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Football, Golf, Swim, Soccer, Boys Track, Girls Track, Volleyball, and Wrestling.


Student clubs at Sullivan High School include Beta Club, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Green Alliance, FCA, Upward Bound, Chess Club, FCCLA, Key Club, FFA, Student Council, Tech Treck, JAG, and Super Mileage Team.