Sukhpur Dayodhi

Sukhpur Dayodhi is a village in North Bihar. Sukhpur Dayodhi has fertile alluvial soil as it lies in the plain of kosi. Climate of village is mild and monsoon type. Summer is not so hot as compared to northern India, mainly due to its proximity to the eastern Himalayas, but temperature goes down to as cold as during winter. Rain is mainly concentrated from May to September. Sukhpur Dayodhi is well organized in the sense that the region residing for living & agriculture is separated from each other.
Most of the villagers are engaged in cultivation and business. On an average three crops are taken per year from a same piece of land. Major crops include rice, wheat mung, and corn. Mango and Litchi are also major horticulture crops. Mango is major contribution to the farmer's income. Three major land portions, Lalbagh, Kalibagh, and Mamabagh, are occupied by mango trees yielding large amounts of mangoes.
Ganwariya Royal Rajput lives in Sukhpur Dayodhi.
The education system of Sukhpur Dayodhi has six schools: High School, Sukhpur; Chetmani Middle school, Sukhpur; Prathmic School, Sukhpur; Harijan School; Sanskrit Madhya Vidyalaya; and Primary Girlsl School. Sukhpur Dayodhi provides school education not only to Sukhpur but also its surrounding villages. Apart from the education the high school has a playground, allowing the villagers to engage in sports such as cricket, football, and volleyball. Land for construction of all these schools was donated by Babu Chetmani Singh family member of Sukhpur Dayodhi. The school name was given in his name i.e. High School, Chetmani Middle School, Primary School, Girls Primary School including playground of High school, Sukhpur. There are many old temples in this village such as Thalha ka Mandir, Thakurbari, Durga Mandir, Shih Dawar, Kali Mandir, Jivach ji mandir. There are a few old historical buildings. Durgapuja is thefestival where grand mela is organised in the village.