Suda Hachiman Shrine Mirror

The Suda Hachiman Shrine Mirror in Hashimoto, Wakayama, Japan is a National Treasure of Japan. It was cast with 48 Chinese characters around the fifth century. It is an important artifact for the research in Japanese archaeology and Old Japanese language.


The mirror says
There are a few unclear points, but a tentative translation is "In the eighth month of a gui-wei year, in the reign of the great king, when the prince Wooto was at the Palace, Sima, wishing for longevity, sent two persons to make this mirror from 200 han of brand-new and fine bronze." The year gui-wei likely corresponds to 443 or 503.
According to one prevailing opinion, the prince Wooto can be identified as the prince Oohodo, a grandson of Emperor Ōjin and a brother of Oshisaka-no-Oonakatsuhime. Another theory holds that Wooto is Ōdo-no-Ookimi. He may be a great-grandson of the prince Oohodo. If the gui-wei year corresponds to 503, Shima is presumed King Muryeong of Baekje.
On the basis of this ancient inscription, Korean scholar Kim Woon-Hoe theorizes a fraternal relationship between Emperor Keitai of Japan and King Muryeong of Baekje. A mirror was excavated from the tomb of King Muryeong. It is similar to the mirrors of Emperor Nintoku and Emperor Keitai. In the ancient Buyeo kingdom, the bronze mirror represented the king.