Strut (TV series)

Strut is an American reality television series that premiered on September 20, 2016, on the Oxygen cable network. Announced in May 2016, the reality series follows the professional lives of a group of transgender models. The show is executive produced by Whoopi Goldberg. The show features models Laith Ashley, Dominique Jackson, Isis King, Ren Spriggs, and Arisce Wanzer.
" are struggling with things we can all relate to — trying to make ends meet, fighting to make a name for themselves and navigating the minefields of personal relationships. All of these struggles are amplified by the fact that they are also fighting to break down barriers and taking on the responsibility of representing the transgender community in today's society. It's time to separate caricature from real people, and that’s what we are doing with Strut," said Goldberg. During the season finale Richard H. Lowe,III the International Creative Director for Spiegel selects Arisce Wanzer to be featured as the first trans covergirl for an American catalog company. The photoshoot and journey of this cover are documented on Season 1 | Episode 6 which aired on Oct 25 9/8c EST.
