Structure of the Egyptian Army

The Structure of the Egyptian Army depicted below focuses on operational organisation.
Under the Ministry of Defence and Military Production is the Military Operations Authority with its headquarters in Cairo. The Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces's office is in Cairo. He is also chief of staff of the army. Formally, he is also chief of staff of the air force and navy as well, but apparently the commanders of the other two services frequently report directly to the Minister of Defense/Commander-in-Chief. From the Chief of Staff's office are directed four military regions, and the Unified Command East of the Canal, which in turn directs the two field armies.


[Central [Military Region (Egypt)|Central Military Region]]

Unit Organization


An Egyptian Army Division organization may differ between Armored and Infantry.
Mechanized Infantry division usually consists of two Mechanized brigades, one Armored brigade, one Field/SP Artillery brigade , Air Defense Regiment, Anti-Tank Regiment and smaller support battalions and companies. The number of tanks in a Mechanized division varies between 150 and 180 tanks. It also has around/over 13,000 troops in total during peace and war times.
An Infantry Brigade consists of 2 Infantry Battalions, 2 Mechanized Battalions, Tank Battalion and Support Units.
An Artillery brigade in the Egyptian Army differs between Armored Artillery and Mechanized Artillery brigades. Where, Artillery brigades in Mechanized divisions consists of two Field/Self-Propelled Artillery battalions, one Rocket Artillery battalion Artillery Brigades has around 1800 troops.
While Artillery brigades inside Armored divisions consists of two Rocket Artillery battalions, one SP Artillery battalion and one Command battalion.
All Support battalions compromise 400 troops except for companies that have only 100 troops.


Republican Guard">Republican Guard (Egypt)">Republican Guard


'''Special Forces Corps">Sa'ka Forces">Special Forces Corps'''

The Armed Forces Medical Service Department supervises over 40 military hospitals; there are also 3 Hospital Ships, 4 Hospital Barges reported.

'''Supply Corps">Supply Corps (Egypt)">Supply Corps'''

H.Q. Command & 5 Field H.Q.
1st and 2nd Brigades