String resonance

String resonance occurs on string instruments. Strings or parts of strings may resonate at their fundamental or overtone frequencies when other strings are sounded. For example, an A string at 440 Hz will cause an E string at 330 Hz to resonate, because they share an overtone of 1320 Hz.
Electric guitars can have string trees near the tuning pegs to mute this type of reverberation. The string length behind the bridge also must be as short as possible to prevent the resonance.
String resonance is a factor in the timbre of a string instrument. Tailed bridge guitars like the Fender Jaguar differ in timbre from guitars with short bridges, because of their floating bridge. The Japanese Koto is also an example of an instrument with occurring string resonance.

String resonance in instrument building

Sometimes string resonance is used in the construction of the instrument, like for instance the Sympathetic strings in many Eastern instruments.


According to a 2007 Grove Music Online article on "duplex scaling", Steinway developed a system of Aliquot stringing to provide sympathetic resonance, with the intention of enriching the treble register of the piano. In the "octave duplex" piano by Hoerr of Toronto, each note had four strings, of which two, three or four could be struck by the hammer depending on the depression of any of four pedals. Steinway’s duplex scale was inspired a half-century earlier by an experiment conducted by the German piano maker Wilhelm Leberecht Petzoldt, in which a small bridge was placed behind the standard larger one with the intention of maximizing the potential additional resonance of a sympathetically vibrating additional length of string.

Overtones due to string resonance on the koto

The following table
shows the created resonating overtones on the koto for various positions on a stopped string.
Resonating string
length/Played string
resonating harmoniccentsreduced
8/9Just major tone203.9203.9
7/8Septimal major second231.2231.2
6/7Septimal minor third266.9266.9
5/6Just minor third315.6315.6
4/5Just major third386.3386.3
3/4perfect fourth498.0498.0
3/5Just major sixth884.4884.4
2/5P8 + just M31586.3386.3
1/3P8 + P51902.0702.0
1/52P8 + just M32786.3386.3
1/62P8 + P53102.0702.0
1/72P8 + septimal m73368.8968.8
1/93P8 + pyth M23803.9203.9
1/103P8 + just M33986.3386.3
1/113P8 + just M3 + GUN24151.3551.3
1/123P8 + P54302.0702.0
1/133P8 + P5 + T23T4440.5840.5
1/143P8 + P5 + septimal m34568.8968.8
1/153P8 + P5 + just M34688.31088.3

Instruments that use string resonance