Striated thornbill

The striated thornbill is a species of bird in the family Acanthizidae. It is endemic to Australia, where its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry forests.


described the striated thornbill in 1838, giving it the common name of striated acanthiza. Alternative common names include striped-crowned thornbill or tit-warbler, striated tit-warbler or tit, and green thornbill.
The striated thornbill still bears its original name.
A 2017 genetic study using both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA found that the ancestor of the striated thornbill diverged from that of the yellow thornbill around 6 million years ago.
Four subspecies are recognised.
The adult striated thornbill is long and weighs around. It has a russet- or orange-brown crown with cream streaks, dull yellow-olive upperparts, olive-grey flanks, and cream underparts heavily streaked with black.
The brown thornbill is similar but lacks the white-streaked orange-brown cap and lives in shrubs.


The striated thornbill is predominantly insectivorous, generally forages in the canopy of eucalypt trees, gleaning leaves for prey. It often hangs upside-down while foraging. The striated thornbill also visits and feeds on extra-floral nectaries on the leaves of sunshine wattle, helping pollinate the plant as it brushes against flower heads while feeding.


Striated thornbills form flocks of 7–20 birds outside of breeding season from late summer to winter, before breaking up into groups of 2–4, composed of a breeding pair plus helper birds.