Street Racers (film)

Street Racers is a 2008 Russian action film directed by Oleg Fesenko.


Stepan returns from the army. His father’s auto shop is now owned by a certain Docker who organizes street racing. Street racing is not a goal, but a way of life, a passion that unites all kinds of people. Even such as Stepan and Docker. They are similar: both do not just love cars do not think of life without speed and risk. But the principles of one are empty words for another, and therefore a collision is inevitable. Especially as Stepan falls in love with Katya, Docker's girlfriend.


Oleg Fesenko’s film was generally negatively received by both viewers and professional critics. On IMDb it has a rating of 2.9 / 10, on KinoPoisk same 3.6 / 10. A film was noted by critics as an unsuccessful attempt at a repeat success of Fast and the Furious.