Steve Murray (Brookside)

Steven "Steve" Murray is a fictional character in the defunct Channel 4 soap opera Brookside. He was portrayed by Steven Fletcher from 2000 until the final episode of the series in 2003. Steve subsequently appeared in a video spin-off, Brookside: Unfinished Business.



When Lindsey Corkhill sold No.9, the Murray family moved in. The Murrays were billed as an attempt to return the show to its original form of conventional families, rather than the waifs and strays it had become better known for. The Murrays were a hard-working, upright, working-class family, and comparisons could be drawn between them and the earlier Grant family, with Steve filling a similar role to that of Barry Grant.

Affair with Georgia

In 2002, Steve begins an affair with a married woman, Georgia. When her husband finds out he posts a compromising video of them on the internet. This is a cause of great embarrassment for Steve when younger sister Adele comes across the video.

Vendetta with Jack Michaelson

After Cinerco tried to buy up the houses, the residents were relieved when Max Farnham sold his house to a private buyer rather than to Cinerco. This relief was short-lived when violent drug-dealer Jack Michaelson moved in.
Michaelson's daughter Suzi became friends with Anthony, and the two started taking drugs she had stolen from her father. When Jack discovered cannabis in Suzi's room he stormed around to the Murray's and accused Anthony of being a bad influence on Suzi. When Jan protested Anthony's innocence Jack hit her.
Furious that Michaelson would hit his mother, Steve attacked Jack with planks of wood with the help of father Marty and uncle Christy. Jack, however, then attacked Christie with a pick-axe handle causing him such injury that he required a kidney removing.
Marty later received a call from the hospital saying that Anthony and Suzi were found collapsed in the park after overdosing on drugs. Marty decides this is the last straw and something must be done about Michaelson. After a visit from Barry Grant stirs things up, the neighbours lynch Michaelson from his front window. The exact culprits weren't revealed however it is strongly implied that Marty and Steve were amongst them.


The Murray family left after Jan persuaded Marty to sell the house. Adele returned to Leeds, Marty, Anthony and Jan left for a new house while Steve went into business with Tim O'Leary in Wales.