State complexity

State complexity is an area of theoretical computer science
dealing with the size of abstract automata,
such as different kinds of finite automata.
The classical result in the area is that
simulating an -state
nondeterministic finite automaton
by a deterministic finite automaton
requires exactly states in the worst case.

Transformation between variants of finite automata

Finite automata can be
deterministic and
and two-way
Other related classes are
and alternating finite automata.
These automata can also be two-way.
All these machines can accept exactly the regular languages.
However, the size of different types of automata
necessary to accept the same language
may be different.
For any two types of finite automata,
the state complexity tradeoff between them
is an integer function
where is the least number of states in automata of the second type
sufficient to recognize every language
recognized by an -state automaton of the first type.
The following results are known.
It is an open problem whether all 2NFAs can be converted to 2DFAs
with polynomially many states, i.e. whether there is a polynomial
such that for every -state 2NFA
there exists a -state 2DFA.
The problem was raised by Sakoda and Sipser,
who compared it to the P vs. NP problem
in the computational complexity theory.
Berman and Lingas discovered a formal relation between this problem
and the L vs. NL open problem.
This relation was further elaborated by Kapoutsis.

State complexity of operations for finite automata

Given a binary regularity-preserving operation on languages
and a family of automata X,
the state complexity of
is an integer function such that
Analogous definition applies for operations with any number of arguments.
The first results on state complexity of operations for DFAs
were published by Maslov
and by Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.
Holzer and Kutrib
pioneered the state complexity of operations on NFA.
The known results for basic operations are listed below.


If language requires m states
and language requires n states,
how many states requires?
How many states requires?
If language L requires n states
then how many states its complement requires?
How many states requires?
State complexity of finite automata with a one-letter alphabet, pioneered by Chrobak, is different from the multi-letter case.
Let be Landau's function.

Transformation between models

For a one-letter alphabet, transformations between different types of finite automata are sometimes more efficient than in the general case.