Starting Over (2007 film)

Starting Over is a 2007 Scottish romantic drama television film directed by Giles Foster, produced by the British company Gate Television Productions for the German television channel Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen. Based on the 2002 novel of the same name by Robin Pilcher, the film stars Suzanne von Borsody, Iain Glen and Rutger Hauer.

Plot summary

The film explores how an aristocratic woman's life changes when her brother dies and her marriage breaks down. Lady Elizabeth Dewhurst believes her husband Gregor is at fault for the accidental death of her beloved brother Simon. Their marriage has been rocky, but this is the last straw and she asks him to move out of the household. Elizabeth's best friend Mary Phillips has had her eye on Gregor for some time and sees this as her chance. She encourages them to use the services of a powerful but shady family attorney, Mr. Sharp, and Sharp expects to benefit financially from the division of the Dewherst estate. Peter Rosen is visiting from a local University. Liz is drawn to him for a mild affair, even though he is the professor of her son Alex.


The story is set in Scotland. The film was shot in Scotland in July and August 2007.


The film had its television premiere on 26 December 2007.