Stars Like Fleas

Stars Like Fleas is a Brooklyn-based band formed by multi-instrumentalist Shannon Fields and vocalist Montgomery Knott in the winter of 1998. Frequently compared to later Talk Talk and Robert Wyatt, their music blends avant-jazz and free improvisation with electronic textures and several overdubbed murmured vocal lines.


The band started in 1998. On their albums and in live performances, Fields and Knott have recruited a host of other musicians, including members and ex-members of Other Dimensions in Music, TEST, No-Neck Blues Band, Papa M, Out Hud, Gold Sparkle Band, At the Drive-In, Beirut, Tall Firs, TV on the Radio, Celebration, Fiery Furnaces, The Silent League, and Mercury Rev. In 2007 they did a Take-Away Show video session shot by Vincent Moon.
