Star Venture

Star Venture is a play-by-mail game by Schubel & Son begun in 1982.


Star Venture was a play-by-mail computer-moderated game set in a 125-star galaxy, in which each player is the captain of one or more starships which players may utilize to achieve whatever goals they desire.


In the April 1983 edition of Dragon, Michael Gray stated "This game is thematically quite like Star Master, though it seems to be more closely structured."
W.G. Armintrout reviewed Star Venture in The Space Gamer No. 63. Armintrout commented that "Star Venture is a fascinating game. I recommend it, with a few warnings: This is not a game for novices, and it requires some mathematical ability and a blazing competitive will. I also commend Schubel & Son for their lightning speed in publishing errata and in implementing player suggestions."