Stanley H. Barkan

Stanley H. Barkan is an American poet, translator, editor, publisher.
He grew up in Brooklyn and received a bachelor's degree in education from the University of Miami and a master's in English linguistics from New York University. He taught English at high schools in Brooklyn and Queens from 1964 until his retirement in 1991, the year he won the New York City Poetry Teacher of the Year Award. He founded Cross-Cultural Communications in 1971 and he went on to publish works by Pablo Neruda, Allen Ginsberg, Isaac Asimov and the Pulitzer Prize – winning poet and Barkan's friend Stanley Kunitz.
Cross-Cultural Communications Review Series of World Literature and Art, has, till 2020, his 50th anniversary year, produced some 500 titles in 59 different languages. His own work has been translated into 29 different languages, and published in 28 collections, several of them bilingual,


Acolada, Arba Sicula, Bitterroot, Confesinui, Confrontation, Contemporary Poetry, Cyclamens and Swords, El Poeta, The Forward, Footwork, Haikuniverse, Home Planet News, Immagine&Poesia, Interdisciplinary Humanities: Interviews. Ithaca 391, The Jewish Week, Korean Expatriate Literature, Krytyka Literacka, The Lips, Make Room for DAda, Margutte, Medicinal Purpose, Paterson Literary Review, Pedestal Magazine, Performance Poets, POETRY JOURNAL IN PRINT • BÁO GIẤY Vietnamese & English Poetry, Poetry Super Highway, Poets e Escritores do Amor e da Paz, Prism Review, Prosopisia, Rattapallax, Revista Poesia, Shabdaguchha, Sicilia Parra, Syndic Literary Journal, The Broome Review, The Drunken Boat, The Muse, The Seventh Quarry, The Washington Square Journal, The Washington Square Review, The Woodstock Times. The Writer, Translation Review, Visions, Voices Israel, Waterways
