Stanisław of Skarbimierz

Stanisław of Skarbimierz - first rector, from renewed in 1400, University of Krakow. He was the author of Sermones sapientiales , comprising 113 sermons.
Stanisław was born in Skarbimierz, polish village near Opole. His sermons were the foundation of Polish political doctrine that culminated in the system of Nobles' Democracy in Poland and, from 1569, in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Many ideas central to this doctrine may be found in subsequent works by Wawrzyniec Grzymała Goślicki that appear to have influenced the 17th-century English Commonwealth as well as the Founding Fathers of the United States.
Stanisław of Skarbimierz, along with Paweł Włodkowic, framed the Polish position, at the Council of Constance, pioneering ideas of modern human rights and international law. Stanisław's sermons "About Just War" and "About robbery" gave fundaments to medieval theory of just war. The sermons justified position of Kingdom of Poland toward a war with Teutonic Knights. Stanisław died in 1431 in Kraków.
Stanisław's Sermons were influenced by earlier works of Augustine of Hippo and Wincenty Kadłubek.
