The Standard Occupational ClassificationSystem is a United States government system of classifying occupations. It is used by U.S. federal government agencies collecting occupational data, enabling comparison of occupations across data sets. It is designed to cover all occupations in which work is performed for pay or profit, reflecting the current occupational structure in the United States. The 2010 SOC includes 840 occupational types. Users of occupational data include government program managers, industrial and labor relations practitioners, students considering career training, job seekers, vocational training schools, and employers wishing to set salary scales or locate a new plant. The SOC codes have a hierarchical format, so for example the code "15-0000" refers to occupations in the "Computer and Mathematical Occupations" category, and "15-1130" is a subset for "Software Developers and Programmers". The SOC does not categorize industries or employers. There are parallel category systems for industries used with SOC data, most commonly NAICS.
:Category:Architecture and engineering occupations|Architecture and engineering occupations
:Category:Arts occupations|Arts, :Category:Design occupations|design, :Category:Entertainment occupations|entertainment, :Category:Sports occupations and roles|sports, and :Category:Mass media occupations|media occupations
:Category:Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations|Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations
:Category:Business occupations|Business and :Category:Finance occupations|financial operations occupations
:Category:Community and social services occupations|Community and social services occupations
:Category:Computer occupations|Computer and mathematical occupations
:Category:Construction and extraction occupations|Construction and extraction occupations
:Category:Education and training occupations|Education, training, and library occupations
:Category:Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations|Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations
:Category:Food services occupations|Food preparation and serving related occupations
:Category:Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations|Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations
:Category:Healthcare support occupations|Healthcare support occupations
:Category:Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations|Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations
Legal occupations
:Category:Life, physical, and social science occupations|Life, physical, and social science occupations
:Category:Protective service occupations|Protective service occupations
:Category:Sales occupations|Sales and related occupations
:Category:Transport occupations|Transportation and material moving occupations
The SOC was established in 1977, and revised by a committee representing specialists from across U.S. government agencies in the 1990s. SOC codes were updated again in 2010, and on November 28, 2017, the Office of Management and Budget published a Federal Register notice detailing the final decisions for the 2018 SOC.