Standard Deviants

Standard Deviants is a series of educational videos produced in the United States dealing with educational subjects such as math, science, automobile repair, politics, English, social studies, foreign language, and SAT Test Prep created for elementary schoolers, middle schoolers, high schoolers, college students, and graduate school students in the U.S. Originally a Public Broadcasting Service Public television series, it blends essential information with Saturday Night Live-style humor. It is now a division of Cerebellum Corporation. The show is divided into many sections, using a humorous entrance to each one. An example of this is a hilarious Spanish side-plot using sticky spots on a kitchen floor to introduce definite and indefinite articles.
The Standard Deviants brand has two different branches: Standard Deviants for home use and Standard Deviants School for school or public use. Standard Deviants School products are accompanied by Public Performance Rights.

The Standard Deviants





;The Lord of the Rings

Social Studies